Conference Paper
Matrix-based system modelling to predict properties change propagation
A significant shorter pre-development time in the automotive industry without physical prototypes due to a quicker generation of concepts is key to reduce development cost and to reach a higher product maturity much faster. However, especially appropriate product property changes have to be considered and can be handled better while reducing the number of macro-iterations and, instead, fostering microiterations in order to support a more agile development process. Consequently, it is inevitable for the application of an agile development and change management process to apply a holistic system consideration and to widen the range of consideration along the complete development process and not to stick in the determination of details. In this contribution, an approach towards a matrix-based system model is presented which applies both a systemic and systematic process upon the modelling of a whole system. The multi-dimensional mathematical description of the system elements and the hierarchical system decomposition support the calculation in a top-down/bottom-up procedure. Special attention is given to the product property changes and their propagation throughout the system.