Conference Paper
Photovoltaic module with integrated power conversion and interconnection system - the European project PV-MIPS
Other Title
Photovoltaikbaugruppe mit integriertem Energieumformer- und Verbindungssystem - das europäische Projekt PV-MIPS
Within the 6th framework program funded by the European Commission the project PV-MIPS (Photovoltaic Module with Integrated Power Conversion System) was launched in November 2004. Together with eleven European partners from Germany, Austria, Greece and the Netherlands a solar module with integrated in-verter shall be developed that can feed solar electricity directly into the grid. The challenging objective of the project is to reduce the total costs of a PV system. At the same time lifetime and reliability of the integrated solar power in-verter shall be increased considerably. At the end of the project in 2009 a low cost AC module will be available pro-viding easy handling, long lifetime and maximum modularity in PV system design.