Conference Paper
Janus - keeper of the gate to the otherworld
Often presentations scare off through their complexity. An immense amount of new information overwhelms and intimidates the spectator. Taken by the hand, the attention drawn to novelties and accompanied and supported on a joumey into new areas, the adventure may begin. The theme of our project is a physical avatar (circa 50 cm talI), who guards a small door into the unknown. The figure was developed based on the roman God of the gate, Janus. The physical avatar acts as a mediator between the worlds. He guards the border between our world and the unknown. Although he stands in our world he knows what exists behind the door. When approached by a person, the Janus program starts. He awakes to life and draws the attention to himself and the door. But the door is not easily opened. First a few questions have to be answered. Wherein Janus may aid the spectator or deny entrance. In addition to this presentation large photographs will be exhibited, which deal with variations of the theme guard/gate.