Conference Paper
A systematic approach of thinking globally and acting locally - energy efficiency in industry beyond traditional business economies
In industry substantial energy profitable effiency potentials are not used, because energy is not in the focus of the business. Using socio-psychological mechanisms in and between companies reveal possibilities for influencing the management to pay more attention to energy efficiency. For this purpose locally organised learning networks, calles Energy Tables, have been established bringing together a group of interested company managers or energy responsible persons, they are provided with expert information and on the spot consultation, they regularly meet to share their experiences, set common efficiency and CO2 reduction targets and to monitor the achievement of their goals. The results of two case studies are repoerted: one in Switzerland, where this type of activity was initiated in den 1990s, and one in Germany, which is being scientifically monitored and evaluated. All Energy Tables studied were sucessful by encouraging most of the participating companies to invest in energy efficiency and to carry out organisational energy-saving measures. Conclusions can be drawn on learning processes and network building where important reductions of transaction cost can be achieved by sharing experiences and high priority positions of energy efficiency can be maintained by group dynamics.