Journal Article
Integration of an opto-chemical detector based on group III-nitride nanowire heterostructures
The photoluminescence intensity of group III nitrides, nanowires, and heterostructures (NWHs) strongly depends on the environmental H(2) and O(2) concentration.We used this opto-chemical transducer principle for the realization of a gas detector. To make this technology prospectively available to commercial gasmonitoring applications, a large-scale laboratory setup was miniaturized. To this end the gas-sensitive NWHs were integrated with electro-optical components for optical addressing and read out within a compact and robust sensor system. This paper covers the entire realization process of the device from its conceptual draft and optical design to its fabrication and assembly. The applied approaches are verified with intermediate results of profilometric characterizations and optical performance measurements of subsystems. Finally the gas-sensing capabilities of the integrated detector are experimentally proven and optimized.