Journal Article
Recovery of minerals from paper mill rejects and ashes
The new process deals with the recycling of high quality minerals out of rejects from paper industry and ash from incineration plants. Moist rejects from paper mills and recovered paper treatment plants as well as ash from power plants and incineration plants are suitable for raw material for this recycling process. The waste materials still contain high amounts of mineral pigments. They can be recovered at such a high quality by a chemo-physical recycling process, that they can be reused for special superior products in paper pharmaceutical and plastic industry. Depending on the raw material, this is a CO2-neutral or even a CO2-consuming process. The process causes a tremendous reduction of waste for landfill. A consortium of six industrial partners and the R&D partner Fraunhofer TEG have built up a continuously working pilot plant in three mobile maritime containers. The project was funded by the Otto von Guericke Stiftung e. V. (AIF). The pilot plant can be offered to interested customers for testing in late autumn 2007. The article informs about first trial results of the pilot plant.