Conference Paper
Software-defined open architecture for front- and backhaul in 5G mobile networks
New software-defined open network concepts are proposed in this paper to enable an efficient implementation of front-and backhaul solutions for future 5G mobile networks. Main requirements for 5G front-and backhaul are derived and then related to the open network architecture enabling multiple operators to share the same physical infrastructure. The value of software-defined networking (SDN) is particularly outlined therefore. For the use of SDN in the fronthaul, CPRI over Ethernet (CoE) is proposed as a new transport protocol. In the backhaul, distributed security can be implemented using SDN where direct links are confined inside the access domain, as opposed to the current centralized security solution including also the transport domain. In this way, low latency can be realized e.g. for machine-type communications. As the benefits for fixed-mobile convergence are evident, SDN should be enabled increasingly in the access domain.