Master Thesis
The UbiLens approach
Title Supplement
A visualisation and interaction technique for real world objects in smart environments through a mobile phone camera
Ubiquitous computing suggested that computers would disappear and be embedded in everyday life objects so that people do not see them as computers anymore. Digital watches, air conditioners, and mobile phones are among the disappearing computers which can be found today. Further in the future, everyday life objects, such as cups, tables, and kettles, shall also be enhanced with communication, processing, and sensing abilities. With recent technology, these objects are hard to realise. One way to simulate this is by attaching virtual services to everyday life objects. Thus, using an ordinary movie poster, a person is able to buy a cinema ticket, for instance. One might ask how people can locate these objects and consume their services. UbiLens claimed to bridge the interaction between users, real world objects, and their services. It tells the users when objects have services attached and enables users to interact with them. With user centred design and iterative and incremental methodologies as guidelines, users were involved throughout the development process. Studies at the end of the project revealed that UbiLens fulfilled its claim and the participants enjoyed their sessions with UbiLens.
Thesis Note
Aachen, TU, Master Thesis, 2010
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