Conference Paper
The plasma focus as soft x-ray source for microscopy and lithography.
Other Title
Der Plasmafokus als weiche Röntgenquelle für Mikroskopie und Lithographie
Plasmafocus devices producing small volume of plasma with electron density n sub e about 10 high 20 cm high -3 and mean particle energy of about 1 keV seem to meet the requirements for compact X-ray sources for industrial use. Their emission properties can be taylored for X-ray microscopy where narrowband emission with high spectral brilliance in the water window (2.4 nm to 4.3 nm) is required, as well as for X-ray lithography demanding for high mean power in the wavelength region from 0.7 nm to 1.0 nm. For X-ray microscopy the emission of Lyman-Alpha lines is of advantage whereas for X-ray lithography the broadband continuum and line radiation can be used. For X-ray microscopy a single pulse source using the 1s - 2p line of nitrogen VII at 2.48 nm and for X-ray lithography a source running with several Hz repetition rate using the emission of hydrogen- and heliumlike neon ions around 1 nm are being developed.