Journal Article
Entkeimen von Packstoffen beim aseptischen Abpacken. 10. Mitteilung. Entkeimen von Packstoffen beim Prozeß des Plastifizierens und Thermoformens in Form-Füll- und Verschließmaschine FS32b
Other Title
Sterilization of packaging materials during aseptic packaging. Decontamination of packaging materials during the process of plastification and thermoforming in the form-fill- and seal-machine FS32b of Illig GmbH
Experiments were performed in order to investigate if vegetative microorganisms like moulds or yeasts could be inactivated upon bottom films by passing a plasticizing and thermoforming device on a packaging machine. It could be demonstrated by machine runs on the thermoform-, fill- and seal machine FS 32 built by Adolf Illig Co. that the dry heat process mentioned resulted in an effective reduction of moulds and yeasts upon the packaging surface.