Journal Article
0.48Tb/s (12x40Gb/s) WDM transmission and high-quality thermo-optic switching in dielectricloaded plasmonics
We demonstrate Wavelength Division Multiplexed (WDM)- nabled transmission of 480Gb/s aggregate data traffic (12x40Gb/s) as well s high-quality 1x2 thermo-optic tuning in Dielectric-Loaded Surface lasmon Polariton Waveguides (DLSPPWs). The WDM transmission haracteristics have been verified through BER measurements by exploiting he heterointegration of a 60m-long straight DLSPPW on a Silicon-on-Insulator waveguide platform, showing error-free erformance for six out of he twelve channels. High-quality thermo-optic tuning has been achieved by tilizing Cycloaliphatic-Acrylate-Polymer as an efficient thermo-optic olymer loading employed in a dual-resonator DLSPPW switching tructure, yielding a 9nm wavelength shift and extinction ratio values higher han 10dB at both output ports when heated to 90°C.