Journal Article
Speicherung von Bioenergie und erneuerbarem Strom im Erdgasnetz
Other Title
Storage of renewable energy in the natural gas grid
A new approach developed by the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research BadenWurttemberg, in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology for the seasonal storage of renewable energy is presented. The new technology aims at facilitating the integration of high shares of fluctuating power generation from renewable energies into the energy system. One goal is to structure the delivery of power from wind parks on a scheduled and regular basis. The efficiency of converting power to gas equals more than 60 %. This is definitely better than a total loss. A total loss looms if, for instance, wind power has to be curtailed. The new concept is a game changer and a new significant element for the integration of renewable energies into a sustainable energy system.