Journal Article
Zulassung von Umweltgutachtern
The internal environmental audit, which has only been used for company's purposes, has developed into the external eco-audit. According to an EC Regulation commercial enterprises may participate voluntarily in external eco-audits since April 1, 1995. An external eco-audit is an external environmental audit, a tool which is used to examine the enterprise with respect to environmentally compatible behaviour and processing. By help of energy and material flow analysis, e.g., sources and sinks of harmful substances may be detected and eliminated. The aim of this EC Regulation is not only to obey the governmental restrictions, but much rather to realize a continuous improvement of environmental protection by regular participation in external audits. Inside the enterprise an Eco-Management-System (EMS) has to be installed as part of the global management system. Its task is to push through and control the environmental policy inside the enterprise.