Journal Article
Belt grinding of cast iron without cooling lubricant
In times of industrial globalization, the demand for more specialized and diverse product portfolios is leading to a shortage of resources. Against this background, the need for adaptable and resource-saving production processes is increasing. Belt grinding can hereby make a major contribution as one of the last steps in the production value chain. Thanks to its flexible tool system consisting of a contact element and an abrasive belt, this process can be applied to an extremely wide range of machining tasks. Recently, the great potential of diamond abrasive belts in machining high performance materials, such as Inconel, has been demonstrated. In comparison to conventional abrasive belts advantages arise over an increased tool life and higher productivity. By an appropriate choice of process parameters, it is possible to dispense with cooling lubricants due to the thermal conductivity of diamond. Consequently, the absence of expensive lubricant management periphery systems reduces health and environmental risks. The present work provides first insights into the possibilities of machining mass materials such as cast iron with diamond abrasive belts.