Conference Paper
Innovations in rolling process of helical gears
By recent studies at Fraunhofer IWU Chemnitz basic information about the material flow in the rolling process of high gearings have been obtained, which provide the necessary data basis for a systematic adjustment of variable geometry and technology parameters. To use these data as efficiently as possible for subsequent studies a hybrid approach to this problem was chosen. In that case the combination of visioplasticity and FEM simulation. Such a method already used in many fields of manufacturing technologies has advantages in the field of visioplastic evaluated grid determined deformations and strain parameters according to available plastic theories of Huber, Hencky, Levy or v. Mises, which can be directly applied as boundary conditions for subsequent FEM analysis of the marginal zone of the work piece (gear contour). Results of the first qualitative investigations of this material flow analysis represent the basis for future optimized simulation modeling of gear rolling processes.