Conference Paper
Towards a common pattern language for ubicomp application design
Title Supplement
A classification scheme for ubiquitous computing environments
The idea of Ubiquitous Computing was first formalized and described by Mark Weiser in the early 90's. Since then, it has been followed by many research groups and extended in many ways. There are many ideas, concepts, prototypes and products implementing ubiquitous computing scenarios. However, the manifold of approaches also brings along a large variety of denominations for eventually similar concepts. Our work seeks for the creation of a dynamic pattern language gathering design knowledge for ubiquitous computing applications and the underlying concepts. The intention is to support researchers and application designers in the domain to avoid the repetition of design errors and provide design knowledge about successful approaches. In order to get closer to that aim, our first step is to present a classification scheme applicable to existing and future approaches that is needed in order to collect, structure and compare application design approaches as design patterns.