Fraunhofer IPA Certification Tested Device & CSM. Develop, ensure, communicate quality
Title Supplement
Presentation held at Productronica 2019, Accelerating Innovation. Weltleitmesse für Entwicklung und Fertigung von Elektronik, 12.-15. November 2019, München
The objective assessment of the cleanroom and cleanliness suitability of devices and materials in compliance with standardized test procedures is a highly important aspect when developing products for use in clean manufacturing environments, and guarantees their suitability to the customer. The certificates »Fraunhofer TESTED DEVICE®« and »CSM®« are internationally-recognized test labels that confirm cleanliness suitability. On its own, the manufacturer's information on the suitability of a product for cleanroom use is not enough to be able to make a full assessment of its cleanliness characteristics. This is due to the fact that the information is based on non-standardized or in-house testing methods. For this reason, companies often demand proof of a product's suitability by means of the »Fraunhofer TESTED DEVICE®« or »CSM®«. In addition, these certificates can boost the sale of products for use in cleanrooms. TESTED DEVICE® exists since 1998 and is a registered trademark in the German Patent and Trademark Office. Over the past 20 years, more than 2500 products and materials have been tested and certified for their cleanliness and cleanroom suitability. Test procedures are always carried out according to the latest technological standards. Fraunhofer IPA currently offers over 60 different tests and provides the world's cleanest cleanroom for this purpose: 10 times better than ISO Class 1 according to ISO 14644-1.