Conference Paper
M-ary FSK signalling for incoherent all-optical CDMA networks
We present a novel approach for the combination of M-ary FSK data signalling with incoherent all-optical code division multiple access (CDMA) systems. In contrast to well-known pulse position modulation (PPM) schemes no critical frame synchronisation is necessary and less frequencies than in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) are needed, resulting in an improved performance. The M-ary source coding leads to a lower repetition rate of the used tunable mode locked laser or to a higher data rate than in OOK/CDMA systems. The filter bank of the maximum likelihood detector can be easily realized by arrayed waveguides. The theoretical performance for optical orthogonal codes (OOC) is analysed and a comparison to OOK and PPM is given.
band-pass filters
code division multiple access
coding errors
error correction codes
error statistics
filtering theory
forward error correction
frequency shift keying
maximum likelihood detection
optical fibre networks
optical modulation
optical signal detection
telecommunication signalling
incoherent all-optical cdma networks
m-ary fsk data signalling
pulse position modulation
wavelength division multiplexing
m-ary source coding
repetition rate
tunable mode locked laser
data rate
ook/cdma systems
filter bank
maximum likelihood detector
arrayed waveguides
optical orthogonal codes