Conference Paper
Beyond 3D "as-built" information using mobile AR enhancing the building lifecycle management
The success of smartphone technologies changed the way information is processed as more and more geo-referenced structures are emerging linking information to specific locations within our environment. Thereby, Augmented Reality has become a key technology as it analyses the smartphone sensor data (camera, GPS, inertial) to derive the detailed pose of the smartphone, with the aim to correlate our real environment to the geo-referenced information space. In particular, this is relevant for application fields where 3Dmodels are used in planning and organization processes as e.g. facility management. In facility construction and management Building Information Model (BIM) was established as a standard that not only holds the 3D-building-geometry but encompasses pipe/electrical systems as well as semantic building information, for example properties and conditions of building components. With this motivation our work integrates BIM and Augmented Reality.