Scenarios, Policies and Impacts for the Linked Transport and Energy Systems - Results of the European TRIAS Project
Title Supplement
Paper presented at TRA 2008 - Transport Research Arena Europe, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21 - 25 April 2008
High oil prices and the growing awareness that this will not be a temporary but a permanent situation fosters the search for alternative fuels and new technologies to propel the transport system, which, so far, in Europe depends to more than 96% on fossil fuels. Two of these alternatives would be hydrogen and biofuels that both can be generated from a number of different sources including a number of non-fossil and renewable sources. The TRIAS project combined four models (ASTRA, POLES, VACLAV, Regio-SUSTAIN) to analyse the impacts of different policies that would foster the diffusion of alternative fuels into the transport system. The impact analysis covers the fields of transport, energy, environment, technology and economy. The basic conclusions that can be drawn are that such policies, if they are formulated in an appropriate manner, could stimulate investments and economic development on the one hand and on the other hand would have the potential to generate positive impacts in terms of reductions of CO2 emissions and increase of security of energy supply due to reduced imports of fossil fuels and the use of a greater diversity of fuels for transport.
Fraunhofer ISI
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