Conference Paper
Cell testing: Challenges and solutions
Energy conversion based on SOFC technology has made significant progress in the last few years. The MEA (membrane electrolyte assembly) is a key component of SOFC modules used as an electricity and heat power plant with high electrical efficiency. For research and development of planar SOFC a detailed knowledge of individual material behavior such as long-term stability, electrochemical performance, degradation rates, durability for reduction/oxidation as well as thermal cycles and performances in different gas compositions is required. In consideration of such comprehensive cell characterization an optimal measurement environment need to be provided. Cell housings have to be hightemperature-qualified up to 1000°C, chemically inert and reduction- /oxidation resistant. Furthermore, the hous ing should provide lossless gas-supply and a non-destructive mechanical compression. In order to fulfill these requirements Fraunhofer IKTS in close collaboration with FuelCon developed a ceramic housing for cell characterization at SOFC operating conditions. The housing offers possibility of measurement for three different cell types (ESC, ASC and MSC). For an individual characterization of single cell a standard measurement procedure has been developed, which allows comparability of SOFC related characteristics independently from cell type. This paper will give an overview of test results obtained on electrolyte supported cells on basis of 3YSZ electrolyte.