Conference Paper
Auswirkung der Elektronenbestrahlung auf die Relaxationsprozesse im wasserstoffgesättigten Titan
The changes in thin-film "titanium-over-aluminium-hydrogen" system when it transfers in a state of a thermodynamic equilibrium at ambient temperature during long time (2 months) after hydrogen charged are investigated. And also change of isotopic composition charged of "titanium-over-aluminium-hydrogen" samples during its electron irradiation by an energy 50 kev and current density of 50 A. The titanium-over-aluminium samples were enriched in hydrogen isotopes in an electrochemical cell with the use of these samples as cathodes. The data reported in this work were obtained for a LiOD+D2O electrolyte, a current density of 15 mA/cm2, and an electrolysis time of 20 hours. Comparison studies of the isotope composition of samples were performed by a secondary ion mass-spectrometry (SIMS) method using an MS-7201 M device with a probing Ar+ beam by an energy 4,5 KeV, current density of 0,1mA/sm2, and cross-section area 2,5 mm2. It is received that formation of chemical compounds in interface between film and substrate takes a place and the restitution of titanium in an electrolysis film takes a place both during a slow relaxation, and during a prompt irradiation by electrons.