Conference Paper
FOX7/GAP rocket propellants for a shoulder launched projectile
Several Fox7 based propellant formulations were studied in order to obtain a minimum or reduced smoke composite propellant with inherent IM-properties. Two polymer binder systems are examined: the high energy GAP and a low energy poly-urethane binder containing a large fraction of high energetic plasticizers. Variation of the AP level in the Fox7/GAP propellants gives burn rates of between 10 and 20 mm/s with low pressure exponents. Crawford as well motor-firings of Fox7/AP/GAP formulations indicated a surprising plateau burning behaviour between 7 and 12 MPa, very similar to Double-Base propellants. Chemical stability and sensitivity data demonstrated acceptable values. Fox7/PU compositions with nitro plasticizers exhibit the best thermal stability within ARC measurements. Shock sensitivity test results correspond to values with a 1.3 hazard classification. The conclusion is that Fox7/GAP propellants are suitable for the rocket propulsion of projectiles in shoulder lau nched weapons, although the mechanical properties may need further improvement.