Conference Paper
Wandlungsfähige Automobilproduktion der Zukunft
Title Supplement
Digitale Wertschöpfungssysteme und Gestaltungsrichtlinien auf dem Weg zu einer smarten Automobilproduktion
Future automotive production is challenged by multiple external drivers such as the electrification of powertrain, new competitors, fluctuating demands and uncertainty about future manufacturing technologies. Additionally, the uncertain impact of autonomous driving and shared mobility concepts to the overall automotive business are to be faced. Joint efforts to cover these facets of change are necessary. The ARENA2036 research campus with an interdisciplinary research platform covers various fields of interest like future work, future mobility, future production and digitization. The keynote addresses important steps from today's automotive production to upcoming trends in digitized manufacturing and highlights the impacts of the fourth industrial revolution on production systems. This includes the change from hierarchical software systems to open app-based systems, from custom made to single applications up to dynamic, service-based architectures, such as new consistent manufacturing operation systems. First steps in this new field are e.g. the OS presented by Volkswagen (VW.OS) or the joint efforts by the Fraunhofer society called FabOS (www.fab-os.org). To support the change and the creation of new value-adding cyber-physical production systems, Fraunhofer researchers framed the following ten guidelines for changeable value creation systems, which are outlined in the presentation: 1. integrate production and logistics systems in one value creation system 2. dissolve production line and tact depending on value-added complexity 3. design mobile and scalable processes 4. design intelligent systems 5. make auxiliary processes value-adding 6. replace material flow by information flow 7. move process complexity to the point where it can be handled most efficiently 8. continuously log and represent system elements and processes in the digital shadow 9. optimize production using big data analysis methods 10.focus the human role on design and optimization These guidelines are presented together with examples and excerpts from traditional automotive manufacturing and optimized future production systems. In the future, an overall performance increase of more than 30% in various fields of production can be outlined.