Book Article
GHG Mitigation Strategy in the European Transport Sector
Transport accounts for roughly one quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in Europe. Transport is the only sector that has not reduced its GHG in recent years. To meet the European and global targets to reduce GHG in industrialized countries by 80 to 95% until 2050 compared with 1990 requires that the transport sector is put on a pathway to drastically reduce its emissions. The chapter demonstrates that with a combined R&D and transport policy strategy, reductions of 60 to 70% of GHG until 2050 will be achievable for the European transport sector. The analysis to develop the transport strategy combines an analysis of the innovation system of the transport sector with respect to developing GHG reduction technologies of all modes and a model-based quantitative scenario exercise to assess the transport, economic and environmental impact of the scenarios. We intend to support R&D for biofuels for air transport, and R&D for cross-modal transport.