Fuchs, S.S.FuchsScherer, U.U.SchererWander, R.R.WanderBehrendt, H.H.BehrendtVenohr, M.M.VenohrOpitz, D.D.OpitzHillenbrand, T.T.HillenbrandMarscheider-Weidemann, F.F.Marscheider-WeidemannGötz, T.T.Götz2022-03-072022-03-072010https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/295005The aim of both projects was a methodological development of the MONERIS model to quantify emissions from point and diffuse sources into Germany's surface waters. Both projects are based on consistent sub-basins and the according basic data as well as homogenous calculation algorithms that are adapted to the specifications of each substance group. The research encompasses Germany's large river basins as well as their catchment areas outside Germany and in total covers an area of 650,000 km². This was divided into 3456 analytical units (2759 of those in Germany), the average catchment areas being 190 km² (135 km² in Germany). All input data was collected and preprocessed with the highest spatial and temporal resolution possible based on the detailed topology. The modelling was performed in individual annual steps for the period between 1983-2005. For the evaluation of the temporal trends the data was aggregated for the periods 1983-1987 ("1985"), 1993-1997 ("1995"), 1998-2002 ("2000") and 2003-2005 ("2005") to soften the impact of hydrological influences. The basic data and model results for all sub-basins, years and substance groups of both projects were merged into one database. Additionally, a web-based graphical user interface was developed to visualise the emissions for any area aggregation can be visualised. The completion of both projects delivered for the first time ever homogenous instruments that can identify the most important sources and contamination hotspots for different relevant substance groups in larger river basins which can then serve as a basis for further analyses to achieve efficient measures to reduce pollution.enphosphorusheavy metalcadmiumchromiumcoppermercuryleadzincprioritary substancePAHemissionatmospheric depositionsurface runofferosiontile drainagegroundwaterurban sewer systemwaste water treatment plantindustrial dischargerhistoric miningretentionriver loadriver basinemission pathwaypoint sourcediffuse sourcemodelling303600Calculation of emissions into rivers in Germany using the MONERIS modelreport