Krause, SebastianSebastianKrauseBrückner, PeterPeterBrücknerQuay, RüdigerRüdigerQuay2022-09-152022-09-152022 report on a 100-V GaN HEMT technology targeting applications through X-band. A revised epitaxial structure as well as changes in the intrinsic device features lead to substantial improvements in efficiency and reduction in output capacitance, when compared to a previous process version. Load pull measurements at 2.0 GHz reveal a PAE in excess of 84 % while the maximum power density is more than 15 W/mm. Even at 7.2 GHz, the devices demonstrate exceptionally high PAE of more than 66 % and a power density of 13.8 W/mm. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, both efficiency values set records at their respective frequencies for 100-V GaN HEMTs.enGallium NitrideHEMTHigh Efficiency100 VC-BandRadar100-V GaN HEMT Technology with record-high efficiency at C-Band frequenciesconference paper