Nitzsche, LeonardLeonardNitzscheKießling, JensJensKießlingWolf, SebastianSebastianWolfKühnemann, FrankFrankKühnemannWöllenstein, JürgenJürgenWöllenstein2022-03-142022-03-142020 spectroscopy has the potential to measure broadband transmission spectra fast and precisely. To employ these features for gas analysis we present a fiber-based dual-comb-spectrometer and compare the spectrum of an HCN filled cell with a simulation using the HITRAN database. Although point-to-point fluctuations across the spectrum show arms of 4 % fit results indicate that absorptions features with (a*L) = 0.01 can be detected within measurement time of 0.5 ms.enDual-Comb-Spectroscopygas analysisHydrogen Cyanideabsorption spectroscopy621Ultra-fast gas spectroscopy with a dual-comb spectrometerconference paper