Groos, UlfUlfGroosSemmel, MalteMalteSemmelSchaadt, AchimAchimSchaadtBürger, StefanStefanBürgerHorch, FelixFelixHorchGeiling, JohannesJohannesGeilingÖchsner, RichardRichardÖchsnerKolb, GuntherGuntherKolbKöhler, JonathanJonathanKöhler2023-03-142023-03-142022 its low weight and high energy content, hydrogen is viewed as a promising option for transport in the future. This chapter outlines and discusses various options for hydrogen-powered drives such as combustion and fuel cells as well as storage options such as pressure tanks, hydrides and synthetic fuels. It also discusses the types of hydrogen-powered drives that are suitable for different kinds of transportation.enHydrogen technologies in mobility and transportationEinsatz von Wasserstofftechnologien in Mobilität und Transportbook article