Hauschwitz, PetrPetrHauschwitzJagdheesh, R.R.JagdheeshAlamri, SabriSabriAlamriRostohar, D.D.RostoharKunze, TimTimKunzeBrajer, J.J.BrajerKopecek, JaromirJaromirKopecekMocek, TomasTomasMocek2022-03-062022-03-062020 fabrication of functional microstructures on surfaces by laser enables unique material properties and is presently a leading research topic. This work addresses the production of functional hierarchical microstructures on carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites in order to control the wettability properties of the material. Two-beam Direct Laser Interference Patterning using either ultraviolet (263 nm) or infrared (1053 nm) nanosecond laser source is employed to produce melt-free and well-defined hierarchical microstructures on carbon fibre reinforced plastics. The resulting water contact angles after thin film deposition of 1H,1H,2H,2H-Perflorodecyl-triethoxysilane were analysed with respect to structure depth and quality. The maximum static contact angle of 171° is demonstrated for dual hierarchical microstructures composed of 11 µm deep large-scale pillars, covered by 1.7 µm pillars, both fabricated in a single step.endirect laser interference patterningcarbon fibre reinforced plasticsSuperhydrophobicsurface functionalization621669671Fabrication of functional superhydrophobic surfaces on carbon fibre reinforced plastics by IR and UV direct laser interference patterningjournal article