Tiedemann, DominikDominikTiedemannHofmann, PatrickPatrickHofmannHerdrich, GeorgGeorgHerdrichPflug, AndreasAndreasPflugEmmerlich, JensJensEmmerlichMatthias MüllerUlrich, SvenSvenUlrich2024-08-132024-08-132024-10https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/47311710.1016/j.vacuum.2024.113480This paper investigates the outflow mechanism of a cylindrical inertial electrostatic confinement plasma source using Particle in Cell plasma simulations. Various phenomena such as ion-wall interactions, impact ionization, excitation, and secondary electron generation are considered. Together with a fine time and cell resolution to reveal relevant phenomena. The results indicate a high electron and ion density in front of the cathode at the widest grid opening, which suggests the formation of a cascade-like charge carrier emission, commonly referred to as the “spray jet”. Initially, a virtual anode is formed within the cathode grid and is shifted toward the grid opening as time elapsed. Ions are accelerated in the plasma sheath around the cathode and collide with the cathode grids or oscillate through the grid opening. Electrons are accelerated and ionize the background gas at the plasma sheath edge. While the electron flow is disordered within the cathode it forms a cascade-like quasi-neutral plasma at the outlet of the plasma source. Through the formation of a virtual anode the discharge becomes self-sustained. With this simulation results the working principle of the inertial electrostatic confinement plasma source can be derived.eninertial electrostatic confinementcylindrical IECparticle in cell simulationhighly ionized plasmaIPVDCharacterization of a radially emitting spray jet in a cylindrical inertial electrostatic confinement plasma source based on particle in cell simulationjournal article