CC BY 4.0Di Bari, R.R.Di BariHorn, RafaelRafaelHornNienborg, BjörnBjörnNienborgKlinker, F.F.KlinkerKieseritzky, E.E.KieseritzkyPawelz, F.F.Pawelz2022-03-0618.8.20202020 materials and technologies have become the main drivers for reducing energy demand in the building sector in recent years. Energy efficiency can be reached by utilization of materials with thermal storage potential; among them, phase change materials (PCMs) seem to be promising. If they are used in combination with solar collectors in heating applications or with water chillers or in chilled ceilings in cooling applications, PCMs can provide ecological benefits through energy savings during the building's operational phase. However, their environmental value should be analyzed by taking into account their whole lifecycle. The purpose of this paper is the assessment of PCMs at the material level as well as at higher levels, namely the component and building levels. Life cycle assessment analyses are based on information from PCM manufacturers and building energy simulations. With the newly developed software ""Storage LCA Tool"" (Version 1.0, University of Stuttgart, IABP, Stuttgart, Germany), PCM storage systems can be compared with traditional systems that do not entail energy storage. Their benefits can be evaluated in order to support decision-making on energy concepts for buildings. The collection of several case studies shows that PCM energy concepts are not always advantageous. However, with conclusive concepts, suitable storage dimensioning and ecologically favorable PCMs, systems can be realized that have a lower environmental impact over the entire life cycle compared to traditional systems.enThermische Systeme und Gebäudetechnikcold storageLCAphase change materialEnergieeffiziente GebäudeLüftungs- und KlimatechnikBetriebsführung von GebäudenThermische Speicher für GebäudeGebäudesystemtechnikNiedertemperatur-Solarthermie621662697The environmental potential of Phase Change Materials in building applications. A multiple case investigation based on Life Cycle Assessment and building simulationjournal article