Blumer, SabrinaSabrinaBlumerKhan, PetraPetraKhanArtysh, NataliiaNataliiaArtyshPlappert, LindaLindaPlappertSavic, SpasenijaSpasenijaSavicKnudsen, LarsLarsKnudsenJonigk, DannyDannyJonigkKuehnel, Mark P.Mark P.KuehnelPrasse, AntjeAntjePrasseHostettler, Katrin E.Katrin E.Hostettler2024-01-102024-01-102023 cysts (HC) within the alveolar region are distinct histopathological features in the lungs of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients. HC are lined with basal cells (BC), or with a bronchiolar-like epithelium composed of basal-, ciliated- and secretory epithelial cells. By using cultured IPF patient-derived alveolar BC, we aimed to establish in vitro- and in vivo models to mimic HC formation in IPF. In order to do so, we cultured the cells (1) on an air liquid interface (ALI) or (2) in a three dimensional (3D) organoid model in vitro, and (3) investigated the cells’ behavior after instillation into bleomycin-challenged mice in vivo. Under the here tested in vitro- and in vivo conditions, alveolar BC differentiate and formed HC-like structures, which closely resemble HC within the IPF lung. These models therefore represent powerful tools to study HC formation, and its potential therapeutic inhibition in IPF.enThe use of cultured human alveolar basal cells to mimic honeycomb formation in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosispaper