Mehner, J.E.J.E.MehnerSchaporin, A.A.SchaporinKolchuzhin, V.V.KolchuzhinDoetzel, W.W.DoetzelGessner, T.T.Gessner2022-03-102022-03-102005 article is focused on new finite element technologies which account for parameter variations in a single finite element run. The key idea of the new approach is to compute not only the governing system matrices of the FE problem but also n high order partial derivatives with regard to design parameters by means of Automatic Differentiation (AD). As result, Taylor vectors of the system's response can be expanded in the vicinity of the initial position capturing dimensions and physical parameter. Essential speed-up can be achieved for shape optimization, sensitivity analyses and data sampling needed for reduced order modeling of MEMS.en621Parametric model extraction for MEMS based on variational finite element techniquesconference paper