Meiren, ThomasMeinecke, AnnikaWohlfarth-Bottermann, SylviaShariff, ZaheerBurger, ThomasLau, JürgenMaurer, Peter2022-03-074.11.20152015 study analyzes the needs and requirements for improving water quality in India. Although the technical equipment on most water supply and water treatment plants is fulfilling common international standards, it lacks of maintenance and repair. Therefore, the study particularly focuses on the qualification and training of the staff and possible ways to improve knowledge, motivation and societal appreciation. The study includes the results of interviews with 58 plant operators in the Region of Pune in India and it presents first concepts and solutions for vocational training in water management. The examination is part of the project ""Exporting Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the field of Water Management to the area of Pune (India)"" funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.enBerufliche BildungBerufsausbildungWassermanagementSiedlungswasserwirtschaftDeutschlandIndienAngewandte Forschungapplied researchModernizing vocational education and training in water managementanthology