Texis-loaiza, OscarOscarTexis-loaizaZurita-Bustamante, Eric W.Eric W.Zurita-BustamanteSchiffer, JohannesJohannesSchiffer2025-01-282025-01-282024https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/48301410.1109/CCTA60707.2024.10666505Electric vehicle propulsion systems heavily depend on the reliable operation of permanent magnet synchronous motors (PMSMs). However, the susceptibility of PMSMs to electrical faults, particularly inter-turn short circuit (ITSC) faults, poses a significant threat to their overall reliability. With the purpose of enabling an immanent fault detection, we design a fault detection observer using the recently developed bi-limit homogeneous sliding mode observer (BL-H SMO) technique. The BL-H SMO has the ability to offer zero error estimates within finite or fixed-time intervals even in the presence of unknown inputs, which is a distinctive advantage enhancing its efficacy in fault detection for PMSMs compared to standard Kalman filter schemes. These advantages are illustrated via a simulation study that validates and compares the proposed BL-H SMO’s performance with that of a Kalman filter.enA BL-Homogeneous Observer for Inter-Turn Short-Circuit Fault Detection in PMSMsconference paper