Preußner, JohannesJohannesPreußnerPeiffer, WulfWulfPeifferPiedra, ElsaElsaPiedraOeser, SabineSabineOeserTandler, MartinMartinTandlerHartrott, Philipp vonPhilipp vonHartrottMaier, GerhardGerhardMaier2023-09-282023-09-282016 so called solar salts are used as an energy storage media and heat transfer fluid in power plants. The salts can cause significant corrosion to various steels that are in contact with the salt. Static corrosion tests performed with different steels show, that the corrosive attack by industrial grade salt melts is more severe than by defined grade salt melts and the sample corrosion is faster (i.e. the weight gain is larger) for higher temperatures. Slow strain rate (SSR) tests in salt are difficult to conduct due to the corrosive attack of the salt also on the test setup. The SSRT setup in salt could be realized and tests could be conducted successfully. No clear evidence for an accelerated failure of samples tested in salt compared to samples tested in air could be found on Alloy 347 Nb. Comparative low cycle fatigue (LCF) tests at air and in molten salt atmosphere were successfully performed and showed similar results on tubes out of Sanicro 25. No evidence of accelerated crack growth in molten salt could be found.enCERTmechanical testingstainless steelmolten saltTMFcorrosionCSP620Long-term material tests in liquid molten saltsconference paper