Uhlmann, EckartEckartUhlmannHilt, MichaelMichaelHiltHein, ChristophChristophHeinCudazzo, MarkusMarkusCudazzoHuth-Herms, KatrinKatrinHuth-HermsJahnke, ChristianChristianJahnkeQuast, MelanieMelanieQuast2023-11-242023-11-242021https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/412579Technical fluids are often contaminated by bacteria as Burkholderia cepacia (B. cepacia), which is found in different industrial issues and affects manufacturing process chains by the formation of planktonic cell-aggregates and biofilms within the working fluids. B. cepacia is one of nine species of the Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc), a group of gram-negative, motile, non-spore-forming, and rod-shaped bacteria. Because of the opportunistic pathogenicity to plants, animals, humans, and the multi-drug and biocide resistance, B. cepacia is difficult to treat. This study aims to provide an application to reduce the germ numbers ng in an eco-friendly and continuous process without the use of biocides. The approach to disinfect technical fluids is to apply high shear forces in a rotor-stator assembly to the fluid. A prototype of the rotor-stator assembly with a variably adjustable shear gap gs and rotor speed srot was constructed. First experiments with a frequency frot 1 0 Hz ⤠frot ⤠40 Hz a shear gap gs = 83 µm and gs = 166 µm showed a reduction of germ number ngr = 99.6 %. It concluded that the disinfection of technical fluids by a rotor-stator assembly is a biocide-free alternative. In addition to defined process parameters such as shear gap gS, temperature Ï, frequency frot and time of machining process tmp, also the peripheral speed vp, rotational speed vrot, flow rate fr and shear stresses Ï were used to assess the machining result and to develop an overall concept for disinfection of technical fluids.enMikrobiologieBeschichtungstechnikBiozidfreie BeschichtungDevelopment of a mechanical, biocide-free method of disinfection for cathodic dip coating processesconference paper