Jochem, EberhardEberhardJochem2022-03-082022-03-081991 the 1970s and 1980s, research and development (R and D) in the energy field in all OECD countries was concentrated on energy supply. Rational energy use was considered as a minor "energy source"; its funding level of public R and D never exceeded 10% (average for the OECD) of total expenditure on energy research. The reasons for this priority pattern are discussed. The threat of global warming due to energy-related greenhouse gases forces the change in R and D priorities. R and D on energy conservation has to change from its add-on technology character (heat exchangers, heat pumps, microelectronic controls, heat insulation) to more basic innovations to reduce useful energy demand, such as - substitution of energy-intensive processes - introduction of new materials (ceramics, compounds) - recycling of energy-intensive materials - introduction of renewable raw materials (biomass for basis organic chemicals). The necessary shift of priorities in energy R and D is difficult to achieve b ecause of the huge variety of technological options for improving energy efficiency and because potential decision makers are widely dispersed. A similar situation is in the environmental sector. R and D on low emission technologies has been relatively small compared to end-of-pipe technologies. The necessary shift of R and D priorities, again in this second field, will be difficult because industries and consumers are likely to oppose necessary changes in production processes and consumption patterns.enenergyenvironmentexternal costexterne KostenForschungspolitikHemmnisincrementalismInkrementalismusobstacleresearch policysubsidiesSubventionTechnologiepolitiktechnology policyUmwelt303600Necessary changes in R and D in the energy and environmental sector. A way towards a future low energy and low emission industrial societyconference paper