Under CopyrightEisenlohr, JohannesJohannesEisenlohrWilson, Helen RoseHelen RoseWilsonKuhn, TilmannTilmannKuhn2022-03-132022-03-132017Note-ID: 00001EA2https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/399212https://doi.org/10.24406/h-39921210.4229/EUPVSEC20172017-6DO.11.110.24406/h-399212Photovoltaic systems that are integrated into buildings face several challenges compared to freestanding PV plants. Besides their multi-functionality and a more complex construction process with the constraints given by a building and its facades and roof, BIPV systems are often geometrically very complex, leading to a more complicated electric circuit and effects like partial shading and hot spots. We addressed the complex electrical design with a detailed modeling approach that includes the relevant physical quantities to analyze the time-resolved yield of a BIPV system. This comprises the calculation of the time-resolved irradiance on each individual solar cell by raytracing, the temperature-dependent electric performance of each solar cell, the electrical interconnection including bypass and blocking diodes and the inverter behaviour. Beyond BIPV systems, our developed tools can also be beneficial for the planning of all PV systems, where partial shading occurs, e.g. for bifacial modules.enThermische Anlagen und GebäudetechnikPhotovoltaikGebäudeenergietechnikPhotovoltaische Module und KraftwerkeGebäudehülleShadingSimulationBIPVSystem PerformanceFacadeBuilding Integrated PVDetailed modelling of building-integrated photovoltaics - from component and environmental data to the system outputconference paper