CC BY 4.0Thalhofer, MichaelMichaelThalhoferBoos, AdrianAdrianBoosHorschutz Nemoto, ElianeElianeHorschutz NemotoDuffner-Korbee, DorienDorienDuffner-KorbeeDubielzig, MarkusMarkusDubielzigZinckernagel, ChristianChristianZinckernagelJaroudi, InesInesJaroudiKonstantas, DimitriDimitriKonstantasFournier, GuyGuyFournier2024-07-232024-07-232024 this chapter we aim to provide pragmatic recommendations and exemplary concrete transition measures for consultants and ecosystem stakeholders to get valuable practice proven cornerstones and hints for successfully achieving their individually designed mobility vision. Hereby we describe the transition planning as a systemic and systematic approach designed as a pragmatic process with essential key methods from the status quo (2020) of all existing states towards a desired common future vision of AV in ITS to be achieved in 2030. For this purpose we visualised a ‘Big Picture’ of transition management work packages and a roadmap as a ‘common thread’, conceptional guide and orientation for all stakeholders of the transition. This roadmap of multifaceted recommendations is structured into phases which are systematically building on one another, outlining the transition from the status quo with no automated minibuses (AM) via the milestones: AM, AM System, AM in MaaS, AM in MaaS/ITS to the future mobility Vision 2030 (Chap. 18). These recommendations are the basis for individual operational measures which have to be documented in an implementation plan. Finally, a general transition plan is suggested consisting of all scenarios, steps and planning results of the transition concept. This should serve all stakeholders as an orientation guide as well as a strategic and operational basis for the entire mobility transition.enTransition planningSustainable mobility ecosystemTransition managementChange managementSystemic approachBusiness modelCCAMITSAV in MaaSPTOPTAAV technology providerOEMCitizensCityTransition Planning Towards a Sustainable Urban Mobility Ecosystembook article