Jia, YuechenYuechenJiaHanka, KevinKevinHankaBreunig, IngoIngoBreunigZawilski, Kevin T.Kevin T.ZawilskiSchunemann, Peter G.Peter G.SchunemannBuse, KarstenKarstenBuse2022-03-132022-03-132018https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/39981210.1117/12.2288910High-quality whispering gallery resonators (WGRs) made of AgGaSe2 and CdSiP2 bulk crystals are fabricated. With femtosecond laser matching and subsequent fine polishing, the intrinsic Q-factors of these resonators are approaching values of 106 to 107. By adjusting the coupling condition, maximum coupling efficiencies of 60% and 30% for AgGaSe2 and CdSiP2 resonators could be obtained. In addition, thermal effects on the distortion of the mode spectra of these resonators are also investigated. The results in this work reveal great potentials of WGRs made of non-oxide crystals for mid infrared applications.ennonlinear opticwhispering gallery modesmid-infrared621Mid-infrared whispering gallery resonators based on non-oxide nonlinear optical crystalsconference paper