CC BY-SA 4.0Barakat, RamonRamonBarakatCatal, FarukFarukCatalHackel, SaschaSaschaHackelRennoch, AxelAxelRennochSchneider, Martin A.Martin A.Schneider2022-05-0624.2.20222021 European and international standardization bodies and industrial organizations do provide more or less detailed specification catalogues addressing IoT product security requirements, test cases and evaluation methods. In this contribution, a dedicated set of relevant standards, guides and recommendations which recently have been recognized by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) will be introduced. Special attention is given to their contribution for the security evaluation process and the product quality itself, including the level of details regarding their suitability for test definition and execution.enIoTsecurityevaluationtestingcertification004Towards a certification scheme for IoT security evaluationconference paper