Under CopyrightEisenlohr, JohannesJohannesEisenlohrFerrara, ClaudioClaudioFerraraBläsi, BenediktBenediktBläsiKroyer, ThomasThomasKroyerHöhn, OliverOliverHöhnHeinrich, MartinMartinHeinrichEitner, UlrichUlrichEitnerKuhn, TilmannTilmannKuhn2022-03-147.7.20202018https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/40834110.24406/publica-fhg-408341Providing the option of coloured PV modules, which still feature high efficiency, can significantly enhance the acceptance and attractiveness of building-integrated PV (BIPV). Among architects, building planners, and building owners, the individual colour choice, saturated colours, a homogeneous appearance for all angles of incidence, and simultaneously high module efficiency is often desired. Furthermore, it is important that glare can be suppressed. State-of-the-art concepts offer a restricted choice of colours, show a strong angular dependence, cause a large efficiency loss or do not allow efficient industrial production. We aim to overcome these restrictions by applying the Morpho butterfly effect, a bionic concept based on 3D photonic structures. Our novel technological realization of these structures is well suited for large-scale production. In this paper, we will show examples of BIPV modules with high-efficiency cell technology combined with colour-producing, 3D photonic structures that cause very little reduction (-7% relative) in efficiency.enThermische Systeme und GebäudetechnikPhotovoltaikGebäudeenergietechnikPhotovoltaische Module und KraftwerkeGebäudehülle621697Highly Efficient Coloured BIPV Modules with Anti-glare Propertiesconference paper