Rus, SilviaSilviaRusCaliz, DorisDorisCalizBraun, AndreasAndreasBraunEngler, AnneAnneEnglerSchulze, EvaEvaSchulze2022-03-052022-03-052017 persons with Down's Syndrome in their daily activities using ICT is a key element in further advancing their independence and integration into society. The POSEIDON project embraces this goals and develops technology which creates adjustable and personalizable assistive systems. We present a system for Money-Handling Training and assistance for shopping. In this paper we present results of evaluating the Money-Handling Training App in different pilot studies and work-shops, with a larger group of persons with Down's Syndrome, comparing different interaction devices like tablet, personal computer and interactive table. Furthermore, we present evaluation results for the Shopping App.enAssistive technologiesSmart Cityhuman computer interaction (HCI)down syndrom006621Assistive Apps for Activities of Daily Living Supporting Persons with Down's Syndromejournal article