CC BY 4.0Gheorghe, PacurarMrosek, KarinVoutilainen, LiinaHayes, JessicaHouareau, ClaudiaKaluza, BenjaminBenjaminKaluzaOvermeyer, MaikeMaikeOvermeyerWagner, SebastianSebastianWagnerGrigoleit, SonjaSonjaGrigoleit2024-04-092024-04-092023 PANDEM-2, the main objective of Work Package 6 (WP6) is to test, pilot and demonstrate the concepts and IT systems developed by the project in real settings (see Figure 1 for illustration of the individual tasks). Here, pandemic managers and responders from across Europe used the technologies and processes developed in the technology development work packages (WP 2-5) to plan for, and respond to, a range of pandemic events. These large-scale pandemic events were played out in two exercise scenarios that cover all phases: from peacetime planning to response to post-outbreak debrief (tabletop exercise TTX and functional exercise FX). The scenarios enable stakeholders to get acquainted with the functionalities of the novel tools and test their performance and interoperability with other established systems in the real setting of a Public Health Emergency Operation Centre (PHEOC). A structured and thorough evaluation methodology applies qualitative and quantitative methodologies to measure impact, verify value and assess the usefulness of the dashboard.enCOVID-19SARSpandemicDDC::600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften::610 Medizin und Gesundheit::616 KrankheitenD6.5 - KPIs and Evaluation Reportreport