Schenkel, RalfRalfSchenkelWeikum, GerhardGerhardWeikumWeißenberg, NorbertNorbertWeißenbergWu, XuequnXuequnWu2022-03-092022-03-092000 transaction management (also known as multidatabase transaction management in the literature) is needed to ensure the consistency of data that is distributed across multiple, largely autonomous, and possibly heterogeneous component databases and accessed by both global and local transactions. While the global atomicity of such transactions can be enforced by using a standardized commit protocol like XA or its CORBA counterpart OTS, global serializability is not self-guaranteed as the underlying component systems may use a variety of potentially incompatible local concurrency control protocols. The problem of how to achieve global serializability, by either constraining the component systems or implementing additional global protocols at the federation level, has been intensively studied in the literature, but did not have much impact on the practical side. A major deficiency of the prior work has been that it focused on the idealized correctness criterion of serializability and disregarded the subtle but important variations of SQL isolation levels supported by most commercial database systems. This paper reconsiders the problem of federated transaction management, more specifically its concurrency control issues, with particular focus on isolation levels used in practice, especially the popular snapshot isolation provided by Oracle. As pointed out in a SIGMOD 1995 paper by Berenson et al., a rigorous foundation for reasoning about such concurrency control features of commercial systems is sorely missing. The current paper aims to close this gap by developing a formal framework that allows us to reason about local and global transaction executions where some (or all) transactions are run under snapshot isolation. The paper derives criteria and practical protocols for guaranteeing global snapshot isolation at the federation level. It further generalizes the well-known ticket method to cope with combinations of isolation levels in a federated system.entransactionisolation levelsnapshot isolation004Federated transaction management with snapshot isolationFöderierte Transaktionsverwaltung mit Schnappschuß-Isolationconference paper