CC BY 4.0Karimanzira, DivasDivasKarimanziraRauschenbach, ThomasThomasRauschenbachPfuetzenreuter, TorstenTorstenPfuetzenreuterQin, JingJingQinYun, ZhaoZhaoYun2022-03-056.2.20182017 energy from water varies widely from season to season, depending on precipitation and streamflows, especially in small catchments. In addition, the reservoir operation problem is associated with the inability of operators to formulate crisp boundary conditions, due to uncertainty in knowledge. In this chapter, an approach for planning the operation of small multipurpose reservoir systems for hydropower generation and flood control under consideration of the stochastic nature of inflows and initial storage levels and allowed formulation of constraints with some range of uncertainty will be presented. The approach is based on joint chance constrained and fuzzy programming, which addresses the problem of including risk directly in the optimization. Therefore, the stochastic nature of inputs is incorporated directly in the model through the use of convolution of random variables. Furthermore, probabilistic/vague constraints and preassigned tolerance levels are used to transform the stochastic optimization problem into its deterministic equivalent. The approach searches for a control strategy, which maximizes the benefits acquired from hydropower generation and minimizes the economic losses incurred due to not meeting the required reliability levels from the various purposes served by the reservoir system. Besides the optimal reservoir release strategy, this approach also determines the optimal reliabilities of satisfying hydropower demand and flood control storage requirements. Therefore, this tool has some advantages in planning the operations of reservoirs in extreme hydrological events such as floods and droughts. The system is applied to the Wuyang small hydropower plants cascade in the People's Republic of China.enstochastic optimizationfuzzy programminguncertaintyhydropower004670Planning hydropower production of small reservoirs under resources and system knowledge uncertaintybook article