Under CopyrightPolemi, NinetaNinetaPolemiPapastergiou, SpyridonSpyridonPapastergiouKarantzias, AthanassiosAthanassiosKarantziasGeorgiakodis, FotiosFotiosGeorgiakodisPatsakis, ConstantinosConstantinosPatsakisNtrigkogias, ChristosChristosNtrigkogiasSchauer, StefanStefanSchauerLatzenhofer, MartinMartinLatzenhoferKönig, SandraSandraKönigGöllner, JohannesJohannesGöllnerBuhl, ReinerReinerBuhlFiedler, RalfRalfFiedlerBosse, ClaudiaClaudiaBosseMouratidis, HarisHarisMouratidisPavlidis, MichalisMichalisPavlidisRekleitis, EvangelosEvangelosRekleitis2022-03-073.2.20172016https://publica.fraunhofer.de/handle/publica/29820110.24406/publica-fhg-298201Deliverable 2.2 reports the outcomes of tasks T2.3 ""Specifications of Mathematical Instruments, Risk and Assurance Models"" and T2.4 ""Evidence-Driven Maritime Supply Chain Risk Assessment (g-MSRA) Specifications"" of work package WP2. The document identifies three methodologies and frameworks; viz. Secure Tropos, AECID and MEDUSA, that are deemed relevant to the project and provided input in the formulation of the MITIGATE methodology or can be exploited in the implementation phase of the MITIGATE platform. It also presents a set of standards and guidelines that were indicated as important during the requirements elicitation phase and that the MITIGATE platform will comply with. Furthermore, an overview on existing mathematical tools and frameworks that are relevant to the MITIGATE system is provided; consisting of a short introduction on interdependency graphs and game theory and percolation theory. Finally, the central part of the deliverable contains a detailed description of the MITIGATE methodology; presenting the whole process step by step, along with examples of usage. The methodology description explains the key concepts, notations and definitions and for each step defines the necessary activities and procedures, and the resulted outcome.enMITIGATEWP2mathematical instrumentsrisk modelsassurance modelsSecure TroposAECIDMEDUSAsecurity managementrisk managementSupply Chainstandardscyber-securityport securityrequirementsinterdependency graphsgame theorypercolation theory658338MITIGATE - Deliverable D2.2 - Evidence-driven maritime supply chain risk assessment approachreport