Sinelnik, ArtemArtemSinelnikLam, Shiu HeiShiu HeiLamCoviello, FilippoFilippoCovielloKlimmer, SebastianSebastianKlimmerDella Valle, GiuseppeGiuseppeDella ValleChoi, Dukyong YoungDukyong YoungChoiPertsch, ThomasThomasPertschSoavi, GiancarloGiancarloSoaviStaude, IsabelleIsabelleStaude2024-08-082024-08-082024 communication can be revolutionized by encoding data into the orbital angular momentum of light beams. However, state-of-the-art approaches for dynamic control of complex optical wavefronts are mainly based on liquid crystal spatial light modulators or miniaturized mirrors, which suffer from intrinsically slow (µs-ms) response times. Here, we experimentally realize a hybrid meta-optical system that enables complex control of the wavefront of light with pulse-duration limited dynamics. Specifically, by combining ultrafast polarization switching in a WSe2 monolayer with a dielectric metasurface, we demonstrate second harmonic beam deflection and structuring of orbital angular momentum on the femtosecond timescale. Our results pave the way to robust encoding of information for free space optical links, while reaching response times compatible with real-world telecom applications.enopen accessUltrafast all-optical second harmonic wavefront shapingjournal article